The Welcome Matt <$BlogRSDUrl$>

Monday, November 15, 2004

Aw, Nuts! 

You know how on commercials for a candy bar or breakfast cereal that features nuts, they'll often have a lunatic squirrel who's after them nuts? I always thought that was a little silly. I mean, squirrels eat acorns, not peanuts. How could a squirrel even get a hold of a peanut, anyway?

Well, today as I was walking along, minding my business, I noticed a mostly empty jar of peanut butter lying beside the sidewalk. It had been broken open on the side. There were two fat squirrels who thought it was manna from heaven.

One squirrel came up to it and stuck his head in the hole, and started feverishly lapping up all the peanutty goodness stuck to the sides of the jar. Then his comrade came up, bit him, and chased him away so he could get peanut butter all over his face.

I stopped on the sidewalk to watch, consider the situation, and laugh. The squirrel who had been chased away, then, came striding right up to me--no fear at all--and stood about two feet in front of me. He looked straight up at me with his big squirrelly eyes, as if to ask, "Do you have any more peanut butter?"

Sadly, I'd already eaten my peanut butter sandwich. But I'll never doubt those commercials again. Lunatic squirrels exist.

Next time you see squirrels, try some squirrel fishing!
Thanks for the note on the Mormon Government paper. I think I fixed it (or at least band-aided it). It seems the PDF version (which is on a website managed by other people) is down, but Google can still make an HTML version of it. One day I'll get my own web space and host some of my longer writings on it myself.
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